The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38596   Message #543915
Posted By: Lepus Rex
06-Sep-01 - 07:41 PM
Thread Name: Lyr/Chords Req: Songs about cats
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Songs about cats
My god, some awful anti-cat songs in there. I won't start a 'Which mudcatters are cat-ist?' thread, though. I can only think of Shonen Knife songs about cats, and no-one wants to know those, so... :)

Oh, sort of off topic, but here's a long-ass quote I like, directed at you cat-haters out there. :)

"Ever notice how aggressive alpha-male dog lovers are sometimes hostile toward cats, but how cat lovers almost universally NEVER say, 'I hate dogs?' Ever hear of a cat lover spinning a dog around by its tail? Truck drivers, overweight Sunday football fans who drink a lot of beer, CIA assassins, and 'Cats and Dogs' producer Andrew Lazar--all fellows I have trouble relating to, and all (I'll be willing to wager) dog lovers with frosty attitudes toward felines. Cat lovers tend to be more sensitive, more reflective, more thoughtful, less brutish and overt." --- Jeff Wells of, about the movie 'Cats and Dogs.'

In other words, you're mean, and you SUCK! (no offense) ;)

---Lepus Rex