The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36095   Message #545502
Posted By: masato sakurai
09-Sep-01 - 02:35 AM
Thread Name: Links on Spirituals
Subject: RE: Links on Spirituals
Another goldmine from the American Folklife Center is:

Florida Folklife from the WPA Collections 1937-1942

It "features folksongs and folktales in many languages, including blues and work songs from menhaden fishing boats, railroad gangs, and turpentine camps; children's songs, dance music, and religious music of many cultures; and interviews, also known as 'life histories.' The online presentation provides access to 376 sound recordings and 106 accompanying materials." Interestingly, there are 19 sound recordings, including a few Bahamian songs, sung by Zora Neale Hurston. And her essay Proposed Recording Expedition into the Floridas, too
