The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8715   Message #54557
Posted By: Roger in Baltimore
17-Jan-99 - 04:59 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat's Future
Subject: Mudcat's Future
Talk of Mudcat's future has come up twice for me in the last week. Most recently in Bill D.'s post under the "How Many Mudcatters" thread. Before that, I had a little discussion off the forum with a fellow Mudcatter who had suggested nominating the Mudcat for a best Website award.

Bill D., judging from his underlining, has some strong thoughts and opinions about the issue. Certainly, I have some investment in the Mudcat and therefore I wish it well in the future.

My guesstimate is that a dozen or two of new people have come on as regulars (people who post on threads with some frequency) in the last year. Max recently installed an upgrade to handle the increased load (if my memory serves me well). So, the Mudcat is growing. Can it get too big? Will it lose its home-like feel? I don't know. I am interested in Bill D.'s thoughts and those of others as well.

Roger in Baltimore