The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36896   Message #545677
Posted By: Suffet
09-Sep-01 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: DebC coming to NYC
Subject: RE: DebC coming to NYC
Yup. It's a cute little iMac, and it's sitting right next to my 5 year old Power Mac Performa 6200. With a little luck the printer will be delivered on Friday, at least 6 hours before your concert. If you know anything about these newfangled devices, maybe you can help me get everything hooked up right. For example, I understand it's possible to network the two units so I can transfer files from the old to the new. It would be especially helpful if I could transfer my Netscape address book and bookmark files.

Meanwhile, I've gone through two StyleWriter printers with the old serial port hook-ups. My old Power Mac and Mac Notebook have only serial ports, so I need one of those old printers. I just bid for one on eBay. If my eBay bid is successful, I'll figure I'll be paying about $50, including shipping.

I still like my old computer. But then I like my Smith Corona typewritter, my 3 Martin guitars, and my Vega 5 string banjo. You can touch 'em all.

--- Steve