The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38758   Message #546005
Posted By: GUEST,Lauren (
10-Sep-01 - 01:53 AM
Thread Name: Lyr/Chords Req: Need help starting Tab/Lyrics
Subject: Need help starting Tab/Lyrics Collection

I recently joined the SCA, and I've become VERY interested in learning some of these beautiful folksongs they sing.

I want to assemble my own collection of tablature and lyrics to Celtic/Spanish/French/Bawdy songs to sing at these events. I'm quite skilled in classical music (6 years of study) but my poor fiancee can only read tablature!

I have no problem finding songs and lyrics I love, or tablature that's delicious, but the two seldom come in pair. Can anyone direct me to some good resources for finding folk tunes that have BOTH lyrics and tab? I'd be greatly appreciative!

--Lauren (aka: Wench/Divadrummer)