The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8715   Message #54631
Posted By: gargoyle
18-Jan-99 - 12:11 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat's Future
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Future
The good Lord only knows what drew me this eddy on the muddy river of the net....

but I have developed a sincere interest in the "names/comments" floating in cyberspace...and I could care little about the abodes/sexs/mutations inwhich they are configured.

The discussions are lively, informative, challenging, and most frequently in spheres of musicology I havn't an iota of knowledge....but they teach me.....and the very few bits of my experiences that connnect... bring a sence of fulfillment.

I have never been to a chatroom etc...but have been on the "net" nearly ten my field of experience the "Cat" is unique.....It leaves you free to "take what you want" and to "leave what you can."

THANX dick,Max,Alice