The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8715   Message #54657
Posted By: dwditty
18-Jan-99 - 05:49 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat's Future
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Future
I've been a Catter since July '97, and things have changed quite a bit. There was the brief chat room trial (hello, bartender), people have come and gone, there used to be more blues threads - now replaced by Celtic, it seems. And on and on.

There is, though, a consistency that keeps the 'Cat going. A strong core of "regulars" (and you know who you are) provide information, encouragement, and humor to gently allow changes to take place without altering the basic attributes of decency, and tolerance, and a great love of music that reside here.

I suspect the Mudcat will change over time, and why not, everything else does. For my part, I feel a great love for you all, and it would surprise me if you didn't feel the same. From that regard, the Mudcat is no different than any other relationship. With love and respect we can accept change in our relationship and, with that understanding, grow (and change) as a community. I know I am much better off for knowing all of you.