The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38830   Message #547446
Posted By: DougR
11-Sep-01 - 05:46 PM
Thread Name: Why was the Allah thread deleted?
Subject: RE: Why was the Allah thread deleted?
We don't know yet who is responsibe for this act of terriorism. I believe it will be discovered however. Retaliation in the severest form is the only thing these bastards will understand.

Many of my Mudcat friends with whom I disagree on a regular basis, but still admire and respect, have taken a "turn the cheek" approach to these terriorists, whoever they are. Again I find myself in disagreement with them. I think it is this very "turn the cheek" attitude that has starved the budgets of the Defense Department, and the Intelligence Agencies who, were they stronger, might have been able to warn officials of this tragedy that has occured.
