The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38831   Message #547479
Posted By: flattop
11-Sep-01 - 06:15 PM
Thread Name: pg13 Healing Thoughts? Fuck Off
I too am very sorry to hear about your brother.

Sounds like peoples good thoughts are not much comfort to you now. Good thoughts may be completely useless to you.

Their thoughts were probably wishes that what happened to your brother didn't happen even though we had evidence that people were suffering and dying. Yes there is something illogical about wishing that evidence of a tragedy is not true. However, there is also something human about not wanting to believe the worst. Today was one of the worst.

Don't worry about identifying yourself. That is a stupid issue for anyone to bring up when you are hurting badly. Go with your feelings and do whatever you wish.

If you want to write to me without identifying yourself, write to:

That's dew with 3 zeros at yahoo dot com. Cut and paste works.