The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38834   Message #547642
Posted By: RangerSteve
11-Sep-01 - 09:12 PM
Sophocleese says we're trigger happy fuckwits. 200 firefighters and 78 police officers dead for the crime of trying to get people out of the WTC. And we're THFW's. Innocent people merely traveling somewhere on passenger planes are dead for no reason, and we're THFW's. Kids at daycare centers at 9PM because their parents haven't picked them up and no one knows if the parents are even alive, and we're THFW's. There was an unusually large crowd at the local train station tonight, more that usual, probably people waiting for family members who work in NY, and may no be coming home. And we're THFW's. And now we find out that it's not us bombing Afghanistan. But no apology from S'cleese. And the people who masterminded this mess? They're not THFW's. No, they're dainty delicate innocent little angel babies who deserve all our sympathy. We should hug and kiss and cuddle them, and apologize for siding with Israel and promise to cater to those poor little snot-nosed pieces of excrement just like S'cleese is doing. I'm going out to Liberty State Park tomorrow because they'll still be ferrying over dead and injured people to NJ, since the NY hospitals are overwhelmed. I'm not complaining. It's my job and I never expected it to be completely pleasant. But Soph will be sitting in her nice cozy house probably saying to herself "its not me or anyone I know, so who cares?, oh and I must write a letter to Saddam Hussein telling him how cute he is".

Yeah, I'm pissed.