The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8715   Message #54775
Posted By: Roger in Baltimore
19-Jan-99 - 05:44 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat's Future
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Future
There is one local "open mic" that meets in the summer in a park on a lake. They attract diverse performers and had to set some rules like including "set up time" in your performance time (keeps the drum sets small). They get teenage bands who have just spent a week in someone's basement, poets, some jazz, and folk-singers (of many types). They continue to draw an audience. It helps that it is a nice atmosphere and the admission is free. But it requires a large amount of audience tolerance.

I don't think the 'Cat gets a lot of repeat "pop" requests. We (see I want to be a part) have been gentle with most of those who do "pop in". I can hardly wait to see how a "Led Zeppelin" thread received 7 posts.

The door is wide open on the 'Cat, so it is liable to drag almost anything in (just like those cats). I think we do a good job of keeping the folks who are likely to make it all a better place to be and nudging along those who have other central interests.

Roger in Baltimore