The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38840   Message #547764
Posted By: catspaw49
12-Sep-01 - 12:02 AM
Thread Name: Binladdin Must Die
Subject: RE: Binladdin Must Die
Okay....Let me try it again.......One more and last time.......

IF it is an attack by the Islamic Jihad, then we need to do what Don suggested. But we also need to get an understanding of the mindset that we are dealing with and that they BELIEVE not in suicide, but in giving their lives for the cause and in fact it will gain them instant admission to heaven. This isn't an easy thing for us to understand is it? We have to have a consortium of all goverments willing to stop terrorism of any kind and that those who harbor them are as guilty as the ones who commit the crime.

Then, sadly, I take a reality check and I find people coming out of prayer services saying they prayed for the people involved and for "Revenge." I think of the recent history of how the country has acted and I KNOW that if we can convince the citizens and the government at least NOT to bomb the living shit out of whomever we THINK MIGHT have done it, it will be a victory. It's not what I'd like and I hope that we can do better, but to do so, we need to see what actually will work and to do that we need to get inside the mind of the terrorist.

It's going to get bad......How bad is to some degree up to us and the messages we send to the leadership. Right now, I'm not real encouraged..............
