The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8715   Message #54787
Posted By: Ian Kirk (inactive)
19-Jan-99 - 06:28 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat's Future
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Future
Seems to me the Cat is self regulating in a curious kind of way. Sure folk will drop in and out but those that stick around to post and pass on their comments, knowledge, expertise and all the other good things about this site do so because it is just their kind of site and they keep coming back. Nothing I've seen over the past 6 months or so I've been sticking in my 2c or 0.005 euro makes me think things will change.

On behalf of a friend of mine I dropped in on a site dedicated to train enthusiasts. If I was really interested in knowing the wheel formation of the Duke of Marlborough East Coast Express somebody would have got back to me. He was fascinated. I thought - great site for the train buff but not for me.

Now this site, to those with only a passing curiosity, will not appeal. Those with a passionate interest in the main burden of the subject matter will come back because the FEELING about this site - an odd thing to say about a bunch of electronic communication equipment - but to me it is tangible. It is a very agreeable, comfortable informative, interesting, diverting, educational forum for those folk who love folk. The reason for that is the people who contribute - long may it continue.
