The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8715   Message #54834
Posted By: Bill D
19-Jan-99 - 11:18 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat's Future
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Future
gee, how I hope all the rest of you are right and we have little to fear..*smile*...I hope I do not sound strictly like a pessimist...I just believe in contingency plans and keeping an eye on things. Also,I am such a narrow purist about it all, that Will's comment up there...^ lost on me! I have NO idea who "Eliza Carthy or Rufus Wainright" are! But I am pretty sure I would NOT like the result Will suggests! *grin*...

I do agree that this place is special...I have been here for over 2 years and gotten a great deal of information here and had a lot of happy experiences. I guess I just have a bit of ombudsman in my genes..I often think a see 'virtual eyebrows' raised when I sound off sometimes, and it may affect my local image, but I care deeply about a creation/community that can do what we do!...(I even posted my first midi/ABC song recently, and plan to add a bunch more from some old books I have..)

so...we just keep on keeping on, and may it only get better!!