The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8715   Message #54841
Posted By: Dale Rose
20-Jan-99 - 12:40 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat's Future
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Future
Rufus Wainwright is the son of Louden Wainwright and Kate McGarrigle. Betcha that answers your question on that one! The first I heard of him was when he appeared with his mother and his aunt on the Columbia Civil War album based on the PBS mini-series. More recently he has been making a BIG name for himself in Pop music. I haven't listened to any of the right stations to have actually HEARD him, though.

Eliza Carthy is the daughter of Martin Carthy.

Remember, too, that a multimillion seller like Jewel Kilcher has definite folk roots as well. You only have to hear her strange but compelling version of Chime Bells to figure that out. I also read a quote somewhere from Sheryl Crow that she really likes old time string band music. Thing is, there is a whole lot more money doing what she does~~sad but true. Scratch many a rocker and you'll find the soul of a Mudcatter.