The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38878   Message #548529
Posted By: AliUK
12-Sep-01 - 09:26 PM
Thread Name: AliUK signing off for a while
Subject: AliUK signing off for a while
Dear Mudcatters, I know for certain that I have offended a great many people the last day or so with my poists to the threads. I have just found out that I have lost a very dear friend and I don't think my responses would be very rational at the moment. So instead of offended others with my personal views I choose to withdraw, as I feel that if I stick around I wouldn't be able to resist some kind of retaliatory remark. I would just like to say that I do admire, though don't agree with, your pacifistic stands that have been made. But it's an almost free world and you have your opinions and I have mine. I don't wish to degenerate into the mindless fuck-you attitude of some of the trolls that have been popping up on the forum and in defference to everybody I think I will take a holiday from the cat for a week or so.

God bless everyone and lets pray for a resolution to this...whatever it may be.