The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38882   Message #548706
Posted By: marty D
13-Sep-01 - 02:26 AM
Thread Name: The best I've seen about this tragedy
Subject: RE: The best I've seen about this tragedy
I have to agree with you Murray (about the pilots) but Michael hits dead on with all the rest of his points in my opinion. Erasing half of Afghanistan is sure not going to make US safer.

It's his style though isn't it? When he was making 'Roger and Me' (about what General Motors did to Flint Michigan) he kept that constantly bemused almost 'unbelieving' look on his face, even when I'm sure he wanted to punch Roger Smith in the face. Same with the TV shows. He merely turns on the camera and the mikes and lets the real crazies completely expose themselves.

For what it's worth, I'd want my pilots to be making a LOT of money. Air controllers and ESPECIALLY security goons as well. Shit, I want MY pilot to be John Wayne.

I know this much, I'll be very sad on the inside for a long long time.
