The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38862   Message #548746
Posted By: GUEST,Hille
13-Sep-01 - 04:48 AM
Thread Name: Nostradamus' predictions?
Subject: RE: NOSTRADAMUS' Predictions?
Maybe not predictions but an indication - my best friend was saying to me on Monday "SOMETHING is going to happen - I can't understand why I have this feeling - it's like there's almost a smell in the air" and you think well, "You've had cancer, Sweetie, the landlord wants you out of the apartment next month, Autumn IS in the air" - and then she got out her Tarot cards and asked what is happening ("for me") and got the 5 of Swords "Conquest through Strength" and the "Tower struck by Lightning" and you think well (at the time), that's just a load of bollocks isn't it - just proves these things are rubbish?

Does anyone know if any of these contemporary so-called pyschics who do long-range forcasts actually "foresaw" this one?

Several years ago, in the middle of August, my child-minder's boyfriend (when I went to pick up the kids) said to me "I had such a wierd dream last night - that I woke up to and although I hadn't seen it, but Princess Diana had been killed in a car crash and there were loads of flowers" And, me a cycnic goes "Yeah, well, people like her don't get killed in car crashes (okay, Grace of Monaco aside) I mean they are so well protected, aren't they? And, then a fortnight later....

What does any one else think? Do we humans have pre-emptive ability (even short range)? (I don't want to even go down the route of "Everything happens for a reason" and the New Age line - as it makes me livid) - but just human beings' empathic abilities. Presumably, evolutionary-ily we must have developed a sense of awareness of when a sabre-tooth tiger might be likely to be around (and the ones who didn't got eaten)