The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38873   Message #548763
Posted By: mooman
13-Sep-01 - 06:16 AM
Thread Name: AMERICAN ATTACKS**SIX -about enough huh?
Subject: RE: AMERICAN ATTACKS**SIX -about enough huh?
As on many things, CarolC, I find myself in agreement with you again.

I am fully in favour of the perpetrators of these heinous and barbarous acts and those who harbour and support them being brought to justice and I hope that those who make the political decisions will keep a clear head and ensure they have conclusive evidence before acting rather than a wild kneejerk reaction. At the moment, almost all nations, including many in the Middle East are in sympathy with the USA and are horrified at was has happened.

Many of these nations have also pledged their support in both identifying the perpetrators of this outrage and in working together against the curse of mass terrorism. This is an opportunity that must be seized. I also believe that no-one will object to the USA taking whatever measures it feels are justified as long as these measures are based on evidence and are proportional and do not target innocent civilians in any country.

I am still stunned by what has happened and fully understand the expressions of revenge that many have expressed but hope that any response will be considered and take into account the support the USA has currently from the majority of the world.
