The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38869   Message #548944
Posted By: M.Ted
13-Sep-01 - 12:49 PM
Thread Name: While I am Still Rational--
Subject: RE: While I am Still Rational--

We created a lot of our own enemies by arming them, teaching them strategies and techniques for mass destruction, and then turning them loose on our enemies of the moment. The Taliban have never been very enthusiastic about our way of life and all were never shy about denouncing it, and all that it entails--still, we armed them, trained them, and supported them in their war against the Russians--Interestingly, the notorious Bin Ladin terrorist training camps in Afghanistan were originally set up and run by the CIA--

The man who may ultimately be hehind all of this, Saddam Hussein (He's sooo damn insane!!) was originally brought to power by the US, supported overtly with US military assistance and training. and covertly with intelligence and various sorts of unpleasantness by our CIA--he was supported up until the time of his invasion of Kuwait, and parodoxically, even while we were bombing the crap of of him, we seem to have made every effort to assure that he would remain in power-- His close working relationship with the Senior President Bush goes discreetly unmentioned these days--

In a larger sense, we also create enemies with our own success--in the same way that every Walmart replaces the retail district of a small town, the influx of American businesses replace the local ones throughout the world, and the culture of Blue Jeans and CD's squeeze out the traditional culture, creating bitterness, hopelessness, and even desire for revenge among the people who are not a part of the great leap forward--

Don't get me wrong, I don't believe progress is bad, I don't believe America is bad, I don't even believe that capitalism is bad--I am just pointing out that what is good for us is not necessarily perceived as being good by others, and the alienated, displaced, and angry can be mobilized and used against us--