Our great crime is that we support Israel and so have great influence in the Middle East. The problem is, and always has been, who controls Jerusalem?
The city is holy to three of the worlds great religions. Jewish tradition says that the Mesiah will come and the Temple of Soloman will be restored. The Temple stood on Temple Mount, which is now the site of the Dome of the Rock and the El Aqsa Mosque; the place where Mohammed ascended to heaven.
If the Temple is re-built, the Mosque goes.
Do you begin to see the problem?
BTW, the version of Johnson Boys that I learned from my Granny went
Johnson boys, raised in the ashes
Never knowed how to court a maid.
Run away and hide their faces
Sight of a pretty girl makes them afraid.
repeat last line four times.
Not very flattering I'm afraid.troll