The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38897   Message #549205
Posted By: reynardyne
13-Sep-01 - 05:09 PM
Thread Name: War (against countries that support terrorism)
Subject: RE: WAR.........
'Who are "them"?' - why, people with swarthy skin and funny names like Mohammed and Jabbar and such. Troll & X-Ed : You really think blinkered nationalism is going to make things better? Listen to me: THIS IS NOT A GAME! Nobody ever wins a war, except perhaps arms manufacturers. Don't allow yourself to be drawn into this vortex of insularity and hate by the people who stay in the bunkers while 'the people' go out to die in the mud. You may have lost friends and relatives, but so have many others. If you'd payed any attention to events in the Middle East lately, 'My friend, you would not tel with such high zest/To children ardent for some desperate glory/The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est/Pro patria mori'