The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8754   Message #54923
Posted By: Art Thieme
20-Jan-99 - 02:19 PM
Thread Name: Where are the kids?
Subject: RE: Where are the kids?
My good buddy, Dan Keding (whgo if he was here now would tell ya himself), was recently on tour in the U.K. Dan told me the "kid's getting involved in the music" factor is in wonderful and full bloom over there. The kids, complete with numerous piercings and spiked blue and magenta hair, are embracing the older music with both arms. He was truly moved by the degree to which that's happening over there. The kids doing the real thing are in evidence everywhere---festivals--concerts--coffeehouses & clubs.

Here in the USA it's just different right now! In the Midwest we always say if ya don't like the weather, just wait 15 minutes and it'll change. (My uncle, plowin' with 2 oxen--One died o' heat stroke & while he was skinnin' it, the othe ox froze to death.) But we've got the Freighthoppers & a few others too give us hope...