The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38873   Message #549279
Posted By: SINSULL
13-Sep-01 - 06:10 PM
Thread Name: AMERICAN ATTACKS**SIX -about enough huh?
Subject: RE: AMERICAN ATTACKS**SIX -about enough huh?
I think I am two days behind everyone else. This morning the tears came and I wallowed in grief, anger, sorrow,...Then I came to life. Made a list of things to do. Bought and hung large flags and baked tons of cookies which have been delivered still warm from the oven to the local firehouse. This was all done to Kendall's "Beginner's Luck".
I baked chocolate chip cookies - the most "normal" I could think of. And now Spaw is hitting us with his usual nonsense. Put me down for a gross gross, Spaw.

Thank you all for helping me get past the worst.