The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38903   Message #549347
Posted By: Lepus Rex
13-Sep-01 - 06:56 PM
Thread Name: Attacks on Arab-Americans Must Stop!
Me too and stuff.

I hear that Sikhs are getting alot of abuse too, probably thanks to their distinctive turbans and beards. The other day, I saw footage of police stopping a train in Rhode Island (I think), and taking a turbaned man who appeared to be a Sikh into custody. Apparently, he had nothing to do with the terrorist attacks, but had been arrested because he had a concealed weapon. I wonder if anyone was searched besides the guy in the turban... Anyone heard anything else about that?

Also, I've mentioned this before, I think, but I'll do it again: Not long after the Gulf War, my French/Dutch/Scandinavian father was briefly detained and frisked during a tour of the White House because of his 'middle eastern appearance.' That's always pissed me off, and was the event that opened my eyes to what Arab-Americans and many other minorities have to go through every day in this country.

Hille: I wouldn't believe everything you hear about the Taleban. Most of the more popular information that reaches the West about Afghanistan is pure bullshit spread by oppositions groups with political agendas. And this is coming from someone who desperately wants to see the Taleban overthrown, so... :) (They're Sunni, btw.)

---Lepus Rex

p.s. Hille: A couple of threads about the Taleban from March: Thought for the day Mar 3-loss of Buddha, and BS: NPR to discuss Afghanistan & Buddha NOW. If you're interested. :)