The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38903   Message #549381
Posted By: GUEST,Rich(bodhranai gan cookie)
13-Sep-01 - 07:16 PM
Thread Name: Attacks on Arab-Americans Must Stop!
I'm at the library. hence the lack of a cookie. If anyone wants to ascertain that this is me, send me a PM and I'll reply when I get home.

In WWII. we took every American of Japanese descent that we could find, and put them in internment camps. Then we went to Germany and attacked them for putting Poles and Jews into camps. Granted, we eventually let our prisoners free, but this was no less terrifying to the people affected. In some cases, the Japanese-American males were asked to fight in our armies against Germany while their wives and children had to stay locked up. They were kept in deplrable conditions that we would deem unsuitable for a convicted rapist today, and for the crime of looking different than us. German-Americans hid their ethnic origins in some cases or at least didn't advertise them, for fear that they could be next.

It's been over 60 years. Haven't we learned anything yet?

We've just been brutally attacked in a devastating manner for the crime of believing differently than our attackers.
If we do the same, we are not only making ourselves no better than than them, but we're completing a cycle of hatred that can either snowball or stop with us.
