The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38903   Message #549571
Posted By: Lepus Rex
13-Sep-01 - 10:34 PM
Thread Name: Attacks on Arab-Americans Must Stop!
Well, Hille, yes, there are executions, "ethnic cleansing," hungry people, and other horrible things in Taleban-ruled Afghanistan. (Though I doubt that you saw footage of little girls being raped by Taleban soldiers)

But these things aren't new to Afghanistan. In fact, before the Taleban took over, things were much worse, a fact that even feminist opposition groups like the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (who suck) freely admit. Women were being raped in the streets, for instance. People were being robbed and murdered by criminal gangs. Compared to some of the warlords who the Taleban displaced, they're practically saints.

Still, like I said, I'd personally like to see their genocidal, Pashtun-centric regime toppled, preferably by a moderate coalition supported by all the peoples of Afghanistan. Yeah, right. :)

---Lepus Rex