The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38903   Message #549750
Posted By: Lepus Rex
14-Sep-01 - 03:22 AM
Thread Name: Attacks on Arab-Americans Must Stop!
Well, Hille, I don't know how little girls being traumatised is proof that they were raped. But since I haven't seen Saira Shah's documentary, I can't say much about that. But the fact that Ms.Shah's documentary was filmed with the aid of the RAWA suggests that she DOES have a political agenda and/or and axe to grind.

From what I've read about the film, the execution footage was supplied by RAWA, and I'm guessing that the interviews were arranged by RAWA, as well. Ms.Shah is apparently allowing herself to be used as a tool by a very questionable (IMHO) political organization. Just because it's on tv doesn't make it real or true. Maybe it is, but it sounds to me like typical anti-Islamic propaganda. :)

---Lepus Rex