The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38944   Message #550317
Posted By: Little Hawk
14-Sep-01 - 05:45 PM
All those crazy movies about disasters....all those stupid thriller novels about hideous acts of terrorism...Clancy, Coontz, whoever...

I was glancing at one in the supermarket a month ago. It was about a rogue Chinese admiral who takes a hidden fleet of submarines into New York harbour and siezes the World Trade Center with Chinese commandos and demands American surrender. At the "exciting" conclusion of the book his plans are foiled, so he blows up the entire building with pre-placed demolition charges, and it falls right on top of him.

Yippee. (sarcasm)

So another dumb best seller makes a whole bunch of money (or at least hopes to...) by delving into the darkest corners of our collective imaginations.


Full stop.

I am suggesting that it is very unwise for a civilization to "entertain" itself endlessly with the very darkest images of human imagination, because what is imagined over and over again tends to manifest in reality one day.

This goes also for the "shooter" games that are so popular now. What a sick concept. Just to make more money. Do you think it hasn't led to real violence? It has.

The kids I met in Cuba weren't wasting their time with any of this crap. They were human in a really likeable and old-fashioned way, dealing with ordinary human things (like cooking, playing sports and music outside in the sun, singing, studying, fishing, farming), instead of losing themselves in bizarre Nintendo and Hollywood fantasies. It was like life used to be here 50 or more years ago...simple and beautiful.

So I say...

All honour to God
To the divinity in each one of us
To the soul that lives in every being
To the light that dispells the darkness
To the simple things that unite all as One
To that which cannot die
To that which does not fear
To mercy and tolerance
To the God that lives in you
From the God that lives in me
All Honour and Love!

- LH