The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38909   Message #550451
Posted By: Paul from Hull
14-Sep-01 - 08:06 PM
Thread Name: God save the Queen
Subject: RE: God save the Queen
I dont think we were saying you were wrong matey.... just 'expanding' on what you'd said.

To just explain to our Cousins, Hull & its immediate environs, contains just over 300,000 people.... that maybe makes it pretty small in American terms, I dunno. But Hull, despite being referred to as 'a North-East Coast town' during WW11, as Willa said, was at that time (or just after then) the 10th biggest City in either England, or in the UK. Its now somewhere between the 12th, or the 15th...I cant quite remember. Its just that even in THIS country, nobody seems to know about it!

I'm I'm apt to do....sorry.....*G*