The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38903   Message #550456
Posted By: Dicho (Frank Staplin)
14-Sep-01 - 08:15 PM
Thread Name: Attacks on Arab-Americans Must Stop!
Mousethief, I am in Alberta, so know the Ukranians well. They make up over half the people in many areas in central Alberta. The major emigration was from 1900-1930, but with a small peak after the last war. Most of the older people who habitually wore head scarves are now gone, but scarves are still common- it can be windy, dry and dusty here. We have a fair number of Muslim people in our two major cities, with their own mosque (very attractive building, I think there are others but I speak of the one in my part of town) and their own schools. They are in many lines of work and pay taxes like good citizens should. Of course the "hanky-head" appelation comes from what we used to call the pool hall crowd years ago (now the pool salons are upscale, so I don't really know where these yahoos hang out). They still jeer at anyone different from the average. A number of Sikhs and Muslims drive taxis here and are occasionally harassed.