OK, DJH - fight against whom?It's been said before, but I'll say it here again - you can't solve the problem of terrorism by shooting people. Martyrdom breeds more who will follow them, hoping to be martyrd themselves.
Comparing the terrorists to Hitler doesn't hold water with me - Hitler launched a well orchestrated sustained military campaign against Europe. The genocide came AFTER the fact in that case. Terrorists launch individual attacks on mostly civilian targets, and rarely are publicly known.
And again - how is prosecuting via trial through normal international channels 'turning the other cheek'? I've seen very little "Oh, those adorable terrorist scamps, let's give them a nickle and hope they go away" from ANYONE on this site, or for that matter, from anyone I've spoken or interacted with. From what I've seen on the 'cat, the closest to pure pacifism is what Larry and others (myself included) have said - that violence is not the answer, that it could seriously exacerbate the problem, and that other, non-violent methods would have a MUCH better chance of bringing to an end the vicious circle that violence creates.
And again - unless you've access to evidence that noone else seems to have, Bin Laden is STILL innocent until proven guilty. It's an American tradition, y'know.