The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38840   Message #550483
Posted By: Troll
14-Sep-01 - 09:24 PM
Thread Name: Binladdin Must Die
Subject: RE: Binladdin Must Die
Cut off his support. Cut off his funds. Since he seems to be in the mountains of Afganistan, and the Taliban seems to be protecting him, seal off the country.
Nothing goes in; nothing goes out. Build a wall and patrol it constantly. Shoot down any plane that tries to overfly the country. Raise the bounty to 50 million.
When the Taliban gets hungry enough, they'll hand him over.
Innocent people will die you say?
They are dieing now.
The "World" will not approve?
Your point is?
If we are going to go after bin Laden, we should do so with a plan that ensures the minimum loss of American lives. War won't do that, but a plan similar to that which I have sketched here could.
