The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38840 Message #550485
Posted By: InOBU
14-Sep-01 - 09:29 PM
Thread Name: Binladdin Must Die
Subject: RE: Binladdin Must Die
Hi DJH, I don't believe in turning the other cheek to benlaudin, if he did this. However, if one goes after him with the army, we have seen in Israel's case, how that has not been effective. On the other hand, agreeing with Troll, though, not by the same tactics, one can acctualy isolate Afganistan and benlaudin, in much more effective ways without having to shoot down planes, by international agreement to seize those palnes and any other accetts that leave the country... but after one cuts the accetts down to size one can deal with benlaudin in court the way the world is not putting malosavich on trial. Cheers, and all the best, Larry