Fiolar, your post is a perfect example of why we will fail. We have the best weapons, the most highly trained troops and we have right on our side. We have technology and the heart to carry this fight to any part of the globe.And it is all useless when you cannot see the enemy. They are patient which is something we are not. They can hide, go back to their lives as farmers and theologians, and wait for us to get tired of looking for them. They are part of the landscape. Cruise missles and smart bombs are useless when you have no target. Even spy satellites need a fairly large and active target to be able to see anything useful. Goat herders are not easy to see from space.
Our technology has been developed to fight a war against an army with masses of troops and tecnology to match our own. We should have learned by now that we cannot fight and win a guerrilla war.
Consider, next time you fill up your car, that Osama Bin Laden's wealth, the wealth that financed the destruction and death on Tuesday, comes from real estate and oil. If you want to do your part against him quit using Arab oil. (Note: I recognize that is a useless gesture. It is intended as a cynical comment.)
Lastly, Fiolar, I am shocked you would include "gas" in your post as a weapon. It is a horrible weapon that does not discriminate between the innocent and guilty. It kills and wounds by inflicting great pain and suffering. Many have commented on the enemy and his disregard for human life. Has anyone looked in a mirror lately when saying that?