The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38959   Message #550804
Posted By: The Shambles
15-Sep-01 - 01:07 PM
Thread Name: Media Blitz, Terrorist victory
Subject: RE: Media Blitz, Terrorist victory
This case is different from most terrorist attacks. Not so much for its scale but for the constant surreal images of that Dali sky, juxtaposed with airliners dissapearing into New York buildings, were played out in front of, and has traumatised us all.... As if we were all there.

I don't think that the world watching the subsequent suffering, should be seen as showing or admitting defeat or weakness. The guilty's thoughts are not important, for these will not be changed and they know the real strength of the nation they chose to attack.

Victims of indescriminate bombings, receive he watching world's compassion. The bombers receive the condemnation of the world...... Usually the latter is the USA......

Generally though, I think that the the constant media speculation about who may have committed this and any other atrocity, should be toned down and hopefully the media will eventually agree to do this themselves.

For this provides those who are responsible with the coverage for their cause, that was the whole point of the carnage.

It is only necessary for the security services to know which particular group of fanantics may have been involved, in order to catch and prevent them. For any point they may have had is automatically invalidated by the tactics used.

If us not knowing this information were to result in making us all a little safer, would it make this 'freedom to know', a freedom that we may be prepared to sacrifice?