The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38842   Message #550942
Posted By: GUEST
15-Sep-01 - 03:59 PM
Thread Name: Masters of war who build the big guns
Subject: RE: Masters of war who build the big guns

There is a strong aspect of religious nationalism inherent in this--and the military/industrial/media establishment is doing all it can to fuel this Christian vs Muslim "religious" aspect of nationalist fervor.

Jingoist rants aside, the masters of war will be the only ones who "benefit" (if you can call being knee deep in the blood of the innocent a benefit, no matter how much money and power you have) from a prolonged armed conflict.

It is no coincidence that during this most recent prolonged period of casualty-free war-making by the U.S. is also the same time frame in which we have seen the flooded by and awash in cheap guns and weapons.