The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38897   Message #551104
Posted By: Justa Picker
15-Sep-01 - 08:46 PM
Thread Name: War (against countries that support terrorism)
Subject: RE: WAR.........
This thing was planned for a LONG time and the planners were very patient. The ground work may very well have begun after the attempted bombing of the WTC back in '93, or maybe perhaps after the Sheik (sorry can't remember his name) and his henchmen were arrested and put on trial.

The most recent news I've been reading in that two of the terrorists emmigrated to Florida with their families from Saudi Arabia; were conspicuous but low profile (didn't make any attempts to hide their identities or conduct what could be construed as "suspicious activities" -at least according to their neighbors); had jobs/income, lived in nice middle class neighborhoods; their kids went to school and had friends; the men went to bars, restaurants, etc.. and basically for all outward intents and purposes lived an "American" life style. Their neighbors have said that they wouldn't have known in a million years what these guys were up to, in their position probably neither would you nor I.

A few days before the attacks, their families promptly left Florida, and left most of their possessions acquired here behind, and returned to Saudi Arabia.

Short of creating a completely Orwelian society here, just how in hell can you prevent something like this from happening again and again?..regardless of the reprisals from the U.S/Nato?