The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38959   Message #551434
Posted By: Banjer
16-Sep-01 - 05:41 AM
Thread Name: Media Blitz, Terrorist victory
Subject: RE: Media Blitz, Terrorist victory
It doesn't matter what they (the networks and the radio media) do, some one somewhere will find fault with it. Already I have heard folks saying that teh media should be ashamed of themselves for capitalizing on this tragedy the way tehy have been doing and I have also heard foks speaking ill of the stations (both TV and radio) for playing regular programming and music 'because they don't care enough about the tragedy to properly cover it. As usual it's one of those 'damned if you do and damned if you don't' situations.

And the idea that someone could make up their mind about what they feel needs to be done long before we have any information even about what really happened, and by whom, is a pretty scary thought to me. That's the kind of thinking that gets us into trouble time and time again. (from CarolC's post)

I myself made up my mind the first day as to what I think should be done, not to any specific party or group because we of course had no way of knowing at that time who was responsible. My thoughts were that we should use military action against whomever was found to be responsible for the terrorist act no matter who they were!!