The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39017   Message #551977
Posted By: Bill Galbraith
16-Sep-01 - 09:50 PM
Emily B here actually,

Thanks to each and every one of you who has participated in this thread. I've found it all so comforting, as though a large group of friends and family was together and trying to sort out this madness. I appreciate the early postings keeping those of us who were away from a tv informed. This thread has been a chance for folks to grieve, rage, comfort, and debate. I've found it quite healing. As though I were participating myself. I haven't because I didn't have the words.

I discovered Wednesday morning that I knew someone on Flight 11 that hit the WTC. What was just so unbelievable suddenly became a very dark reality.

It is good to know in these times that so much of the rest of the world is feeling our pain and is sending such healing thoughts as many of our international posters have done. Thanks to all who included links to other pertinent threads or articles. I found the letter (via link in thread 7 I think) from the Afghan native to be most revealing and informative. A good perspective that hadn't been seen yet.

The mudcat family is strong and loving, just as all families should be. That we can share a thread on a topic of this magnitude says so much about this community. Thanks again to all. My thoughts and sympathies go out to all who are grieving.

Emily Blunck