The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38903   Message #552329
Posted By: Joe Offer
17-Sep-01 - 12:36 PM
Thread Name: Attacks on Arab-Americans Must Stop!
Subject: Nazism?
I think it's quite valid to say that Nazism died with Hitler. Other movements may arise and make use of the name, but I don't think that the system of government known as "National Socialism" could exist without the person of Adolf Hitler.

All my life, I've studied the history of modern Germany, pondering why something so horrible could exist in such a civilized nation. As far as I can see, Nazism is the result of the unique combination of a number of elements - and the personality of Adolf Hilter is an essential part of that combination. Nazism was not really a political system - it was a cult which centered upon the person of Adolf Hitler.

As the last week has shown, our world will produce other movements that will be as terrible as Nazi Germany. There will be similarities, but true Nazism cannot exist without Adolf Hitler.

-Joe Offer-