The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38959   Message #552450
Posted By: GUEST,PeteBoom (at work)
17-Sep-01 - 02:27 PM
Thread Name: Media Blitz, Terrorist victory
Subject: RE: Media Blitz, Terrorist victory
CY - I think the innundation of the media coverage is a mixed blessing. Personally, I'm concerned about what my 5 grand kids see on television - their parents aren't in the room ALL the time with them. How do you help the kids assimilate what has happened? We had out grandson over yesterday for a visit - just him and granny and grandpa. Wonderful time - chicken on the grill and a nice visit. He spoke a bit about "what happened in New York." He had bits and pieces, but not the whole picture - made me only want to have a "chat" with his parents, instead of tear into them. (I'm not as physically large as Mick, but....)

As far as the organizers of this claiming a victory from the coverage. I think it was short lived. The point of terrorism is to terrorize - to frighten into submission. The one thing that was shown over and over though, even on Tuesday, the cameras showed people running for their lives as the towers came down. They then showed those unhurt checking on people around them, and charging back INTO the wreckage to help others who did not get clear. Not just professional rescue crews either - office workers, shop keepers and people who just happened to be there.

I think it was an editorial in the Daily Mail that pointed out the raw courage it takes to do that. People need help and you're there and can help. This does not make New Yorkers or Americans in general better than other people. It simply means that like most people, Americans are not quite as soft or cowardly as some pundits would have others believe.

A terrorist victory? Nah, more like scoring a try in a game that is far from over.