The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39033   Message #552787
Posted By: Susanne (skw)
17-Sep-01 - 09:09 PM
Thread Name: Help: Vicar and the Frog
Subject: RE: Help: Vicar and the Frog
Thanks for the link, gargoyle. Maybe I shouldn't have put the attribution absolutely. I used to think it was written by Noel Murphy (on the sole evidence that his was the only recording I had). Then in October 2000 the song was discussed on, and one John Meechan wrote "I think it was written by Stan Crowther, ex-MP for Rotherham". There was more about Crowther and Murphy, and it seemed credible to me, but if anyone pointed out this is no proof I can't deny it.
From what I've heard about Fred Wedlock from fellow musicians, that's just what he would say. Which means we have three contenders. Can anyone suggest a way of resolving this? (Like, contacting Murphy Crowther if he's still with us? Or Miles Wootton? If we can contact Peter O'Toole for song info anything is possible!)
This might turn into a classic Mudcat thread!