The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38959   Message #553032
Posted By: The Shambles
18-Sep-01 - 05:10 AM
Thread Name: Media Blitz, Terrorist victory
Subject: RE: Media Blitz, Terrorist victory
Some questions from one who has not seen much of the US media coverage, to those that have?

Have you read in the US media of the support and sympathy coming from the Europe and the rest of the world (in particular the UK)?

Have you read why that may be?

Have you read anywhere that it is simply because these terrible events and losses, were in the USA?

Or read anywhere that the outrage from the UK is because the UK casualties were the the highest number killed by a single terrorist attack?

For it matters not to me (and I suspect most of us), the number or nationality of the casulalties or where these obscene events took place. Only that four passenger aircraft were hi-jacked and flown deliberatly into the middle of two crowded cities............

Have you read that the hearts of millions of NON American people's hearts were broken along with yours at that moment?