The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39017   Message #553422
Posted By: Kim C
18-Sep-01 - 03:45 PM
Eureka! I've got it. We'll start a PMS Brigade. We'll get a bunch of women with PMS to go over there (and we'll have to rotate and take turns because everybody don't have it at the same time), and all we'll have to do is Be There, and the terrorists will Flee in horror and never come back. Nobody wants to be around a bunch of extremely hormonal women. We wouldn't even have to load our weapons, they could just be decoys.

(now, before anyone says it's bad manners to pick on women with PMS, let me remind you, I'm one of them, and I know how I get. I become a two-footed Sherman tank with all guns blazing and ask questions later.)

Humor aside... in many Native American cultures, menstruating women were sent away during their moon. Not because they were unclean, but because they were believed to have "strong medicine" at that particular time. Maybe there is something to that.

And Don, again, I agree with you. They are going to have to do more than just talk. Bin Laden's family disowned him, and Saudi Arabia told him to get lost. Who else will?

What sort of person follows someone who was kicked out of their family and their country? Bin Laden seems to me to be not necessarily a Hitler, but more like a Charles Manson - getting other people to do his bidding while he sits back and watches. Do his followers think he has a better way?