The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33631   Message #553602
Posted By: Whitewater
18-Sep-01 - 09:22 PM
Thread Name: Origin: Early One Morning (just as the sun was...)
Subject: Dates & info for 'Early One Morning'
Before I ask my question I would like to say that you guys ROCK (no pun intended!)!! I work for my local Renaissance Festival and as a living history interpreter elsewere and as such, am always mindful of the need to be able to justify (and verify, if possible) the songs we sing as being more or less within the dates of whatever event we happen to be at. For some events this means Tudor, Medieval or Elizabethan music and for some this means sea chanties and/or Irish Victorian Pub Songs. Very rarely can I sing the entire folk repetoire at the same event ;> But I always need to know where the song came from, and when, and who wrote it, if possible. The Mudcat Cafe has been a wonderful resource for finding that information or at the very least, as a starting point for research into the song!! However, I am kind of stuck on the background of one particular song. I have the tune, and the lyrics, but have no more information.

Does anyone out there know the dates and/or any other historical information about an English folk song titled 'Early One Morning?' From the structure and the linguistics I would place it somewhere in the 1700's. . . am I correct? If anyone has info for me I would sure appreciate it.

