The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38861   Message #553942
Posted By: Troll
19-Sep-01 - 10:33 AM
Thread Name: Lest we forget: USA aggression
Subject: RE: Lest we forget: USA aggression
Brian< go study your own history. Have you ever heard of Lend-Lease? It was because of that the Britain was able to survive until the US did join the war formally.
Gore got THREE recounts and still couldn't get a majority. This has all been hashed out nearly a year ago. To imply that our rage and anguish is somehow unjust because of an election requires a stretch of the imagination that I find myself incapable of>
BTW I have been fairly active on the forum but I must have missed the post where someone said that America was incapable of doing wrong. Will someone more knowledgible than I please provide a link?
Thank you.
