The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39060   Message #554100
Posted By: GUEST,Dave (the ancient mariner at work)
19-Sep-01 - 01:34 PM
Thread Name: Declaring War against terrorism
Subject: RE: Declaring War againt terrorism
Maybe we should just fucking surrender eh? Sure its not a nice name, but make no mistake about it... Call it a Police Action, Mission, or any other name it is war. Hugging and lighting candles will not stop people like them from attacking anyone. What next? ships airplanes nuclear reactors? wait and see... No one is advocating bombing innocent people, but the likelyhood of innocents getting killed is very high. Failure to react to this threat will only mean that the Taliban will become heros and the extremists the victors. I dont want to live in a world dictated to by the likes of Bin Laden. Neither do I hate any race or religion. I do expect the rule of law to apply to this situation; and I expect that the vast majority of the worlds caring citizens agree with that sentiment. Simply put, dont start killing people in this manner and not expect to be hunted down as the rabid dog you have become. Yours, Aye. Dave (with appologies for my rudeness to the Mudcat ladies)