The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38912   Message #554376
Posted By: X-Ed
19-Sep-01 - 06:39 PM
Thread Name: X-Ed is here to STAY!!!!
Subject: RE: X-Ed is here to STAY!!!!
Hell-Oooooooo. Gee, it seems the request for being "polite" pertains only to me.

My military MOS was 11-B. How'bout that? I then entered the reserves and went 13-B DI. What should I have learned?

As for my absence, I have a real life. Currently I am worried about having my life and my family's disrupted due to the lack of action from the peoples of Islamic nations.

We as Americans are the most generous loving people on the planet. We have always had a policy of humane treatment towards our enemies. We have sought peace for a hundred years. Sadly, that isn't good enough for many. I hear so much about "innocents". Well it is not our fault that people around the world choose to live in backward, uncivilized police states. Ask yourself, Why do Americans enjoy freedom and prosperity?

We insist on it. I also hear this malarkey about "terrorists are a small minority in Islam!" Gee, this "minority" has had much pull in policy throughout the Middle East for 35 years. Seems the only real minority are those that are actually willing to throw their lives away for Allah.

I feel the time has come to say; either you're for us or against us.

I am also hearing Islamic citizens say it is sad what happened....but.... it is time Americans know what they have been going through. It wasn't our war, until 11 Sept. In fact, 246 Marines were killed in 1982 acting as "peacekeepers".

Force is the only way this thing will ever be resolved. Sorry, but that is the nature of the beast. I'm sure the real innocents will come out to support us when we move to kill our enemies. Plenty of Germans sided w/ us in WWII. As far as I'm concerned there are no real innocents because the Islamic people have allowed the terrorists to exist and operate. How would the U.S. govt. react to rogue citizens going to other contries and committing atrocities.

Tired of it all. Aren't you people? Do you really think talk will end this? When someone wants to fight they will find a way. Ever deal with bullies in school? Gettin' teach didn't stop'em. Kickin' their asses did.

Now stay polite......