The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38903   Message #554511
Posted By: Lox
19-Sep-01 - 09:50 PM
Thread Name: Attacks on Arab-Americans Must Stop!
I anticipate problems in the UK

I think the political-Right here is growing dangerously on the sly.

The BNP (British National Party) won almost 10% of the vote in Oldham, and yet, the resulting riots in both Oldham and Bradford between white youths and Moslem youths did not deter the Conservative Party from choosing Ian Duncan Smith as their leader.

What's the connection? Edgar Griffen! Ian Duncan Smiths private secretary. His son, Nick, is the head of the BNP, and his wife is a fervent campaigner on their behalf.

The mirror phoned the BNP hotline, and Edgar answered the phone. How? - By saying *hello* - *British National Party here*!

Duncan Smith claimed not to know!


Either he knew, or the selection procedure for those wishing to attain high office in the Conservative party doesn't involve asking any questions about your political interests or affiliations.

Either way, (I live in Leicester where we are proud to boast the most multicultural population in England), The moslems on my street are a little less happy about venturing outside, and whatever my relationship with them was before, it has changed to one of fear, and believe me I'm not the one who's scared.

I hate it.

I am sick of it.

The best summer of my life has ended with a bang!

Whoever did this thing is a PRICK. They have created Paranoia where it did not exist, and they have confirmed prejudice and stupidity where it might have been redeemable.

An extremely poor nation trying to recover from 25 years of oppression and war is about to be bombed again. It won't be possible to bomb it into the stone age as that has already been fully and comprehensively done.

Whats more, we can't even be sure that Osama Bin Laden had anything to do with it.

- Ever since his attempt to bomb the WTC in 1993 his assets have been frozen.

- Ever since the same, his family have ceased giving him any money.

- No large payments have been traced going in or out of Afghanistan since then. (especially now that the Taliban have stopped their most lucrative source of income - Opium/Heroin/Morphine etc.)

- It is likely that his suspected fortune wasn't as big as 300 mill anyway, as the money inherited by his family had to be split between about 50 brothers.


Have you ever gone to a football match and asked everyone to keep the noise down?

Have you ever gone to see a stadium rock band and asked the crowd to be patient? (The guy on stage can do it - get on stage brothers and sisters)

Have you ever thought about getting the worlds population to hang on and wait to see what the evidence says, before ganging up on Sikhs. (I have just laughed out loud. I have an image of the look of incredulity on the mans face.....I also have an image of his fear......FUCK!.....)

I've forgotten where I read it, but Kendall spoke of oxen and violins. It's at times like this that you need to have faith that you are a good enough Violin player to enchant any sentient being. A human is a human and I'm not afraid of my humanity, darkside and light alike. Neither am I afraid of Osama, or of Survivalists, or of the BNP, or Ian Duncan Smith.

How many of us are there on the mudcat. This many people talking this seriously and sensibly is a force to be reckoned with.

Let yourselves be heard. Play your violins like you have never played them. Not in a contrived way, not in a straight technical way, but with heart, sensitivity and feeling.

Just look at the obedience in those oxens big brown eyes.

Enough for now -

I'm off to puke to the masses.
